Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Over feeding

I Have tried different feeding schedules on different trees and today I want to talk about overfeeding your them. The best thing to do is some research because every tree is different. Now on my trees, I have schedule of feeding every other week, to once every 1 and a half months. I just tried to feed my youngest tree in my collection (fukien tea) once every 2 weeks and it looked to be doing very good. About a month and a half later the leaves started to turn yellow and wilt. to recover from this all i did was water every day until the nutrients had flushed out through the bottom pot and the soil went back to normal. When you start to see signs of overfeeding such as - leaves wilting and turning yellow, leaves glossiness disappears, branches losing there sturdyness, you want to flush out the soil and just wait it out. I will expand on this matter more in the future. As I am late for school and need to get out.